Ever since Casey was born, actually before he was born, I wanted another baby. Sickness and 9 months of torture aside, my body was made for having babies. Inductions with 12 hours, 6 hours and less than 4 hours of labor with babies that get pushed out before the staff can ready themselves for it...that is a baby having body.
Over the last 2 days 3 friends have had babies and several others are expecting. Tonight I was packing up Casey's clothes, feeling a bit sad (ok A LOT sad) that this is the last time any of my children will wear this outfit or that one. (they shouldn't make such cute baby clothes cause they are hardly worn!)
I've not hidden the fact that I would love another baby...but there are several reasons why it is just not in the cards for us. My husbands feeling of being done and my health are the biggest.
In the mean time I will enjoy this lil sweetie I have now. The one whos face lights up when he see me, the one who is a drooling machine, who giggles when we play patty cake, who has stolen my heart just as his brothers before him.
I plan for my next blog to be about Cody...my challenge, my light, my sweet....he has a lot going on right now we are trying to sort out.
Till then!