Monday, August 29, 2011

School Days, School Days

Next week the big boys go back to school. How did this many years pass? How is it that I have a 1st and 2nd grader? I look at Casey (who is 3 months now) and see Cody at that age. It almost feels like the 7 year old boy who stands in front of me is a stranger. It's not that I don't know him, but it's like one day I had a baby, I closed my eyes and when they opened he was a big boy. A boy who forgets to kiss his Mama goodnight, who says things under his breath, who yells at his brother, but a boy who still needs me, just not as much.

I'll be labeling their school supplies tomorrow, getting all the papers filled out, nestled in their backpacks for next Tuesday. Part of me will do this with absolute GLEE. They have been spending entirely too much time together, the bickering is non stop. There are some days (like today) I count the minutes until Randy gets home so I can run out to a store for the stupidest of things just to get a few minutes of peace. But another part of me will be sad and lonely. It will be just Casey and I all day, which will be nice, but I will miss the big boys entertaining him while I do dishes, or drawing me a picture just because.

I'm also looking forward to organizing my house while they are at school. I'm hoping to get Casey on a nap schedule (which will be a lot easier to do when his brothers are not screaming at each other and trying to kiss on him while he is sleeping) and while he is sleeping I will give myself chore to do. I think if I blog about them, it will hold me more accountable to actually getting my list done. Another thing I am looking forward to is better eating, exercising and getting not only my house, but also myself in shape.

So give me a week once school starts and let the lists begin!!!!!!!!!!

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