Tuesday, February 7, 2012


And I'll take it!

Cody has now been medicated for a week and while it takes 2 weeks to get 'therapeutic' levels in his system I am seeing changes already. Are they changes because the meds are working, changes because I WANT (no, need) to see changes, or changes because all those who care for Cody can understand him better now that we have a diagnosis? It might be a little of each, but it is progress and I'll take it.

The dr had given us info to read about Asbergers and after my initial reaction last week, I gave it a few days and read it all, devoured it like a juicy steak. And as I read it I wondered who installed a camera in my sons brain because just about everything I read was CODY, it was like the article had studied him. Lights, bells and whistles went off in MY brain as I was starting to understand Cody's quirks, his actions started making sense.

This past weekend the boys were invited to a neighbors birthday party. I was able to pop over in between patients to see them. Cody and Shane were the only boys initially there and Shane flowed right in, he started flirting with all the girls, making himself at home with his friends. Now, most of these kids were Shane's grade as was the Birthday girl, so he knew them from classes and Cody is a year older. I purposely watched Cody to see how he interacted and he didn't. He hung out in the back of the group, with his hands folded in front of him, watching what was going on, but never jumping in. Nevertheless, Cody seemed to be enjoying himself. He even played musical chairs with all the kids, and when it came down to him and the last little girl, Randy turned to me and said "Oh, here comes a meltdown" and I started to worry....unnecessarily as Cody ended up winning, but I wonder now if he really would have had a meltdown.

After all we are making progress

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