Recently I have felt as if my batteries were running close to empty. My husband goes out every Monday night to the firehouse which has been hard for me. I work 12 hour days over the course of the weekend and when Monday rolls around I feel as if I have very little to give, I am tired and usually have somekind of paper work to do, or gorceries to restock or a doctors appointment, then I pick the kids up from school and have them all to myself for the remainder of the night. Some nights it's nice as I have a neighbor who is becoming a friend and we are able to take walks or talk outside while the kids play. But other nights I am so tired. My battery is drained and I feel like I am not the mom I am capable of. But I also understand that Randy has been home with the kids all weekend and the firehouse is something he needs to feel good about himself.
But as a mom and wife and nurse I think I give most of myself to others, leaving little for myself and often I run on a partly charged battery, wearing it down bit by bit. Which is what happened recently, my battery was just about out of juice, I was out of patience, work had been a hard these past few weekends, I was starting to get moody.
Thankfully a few friends saw this and 'took me away' to NYC for the day. Other than a lunch date we had nothing planned all day and it was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!! No rush to be anywhere, laughing thruugh out most of the day, walking until my feet hurt so much I had to buy new shoes. I left for the city at 8am and didn't get home until close to 9pm, an entire day of adult time. No one barging into the bathroom while I'm trying to pee, no one needing help with homework, no one wondering what's for dinner, just friends, fabulous friends who I love like sisters, who I tell all my secrets to, friends who need nothing from me but friendship and give the same back in return.
So this week I was able to recharge my battery, and in doing so I hope I am a calmer, more patient person, a better nurse, wife and mother. So sometimes you have to be a little selfish to serve others. Afterall how can you give of yourself when you have nothing left to give?
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