Thursday, June 7, 2012


Recently we have found out that Cody's ped psychiatrist will be leaving the hospital that I work for. My 1st thought was "Just wonderful, we finally have answers and now the one person who will help us is leaving." However, after our last appointment we found out that yes she is leaving the hospital system, she does plan on staying in the area. Phew. She is not sure where she is going just yet, but told me to call in Aug and they will have to tell me (and if they don't, that is what Google is for!). She placed a check next to Cody's name (she has a master patient list, some she is willing to keep, others she will discharge to another doctor) becuase as she has said, "I LOVE my Aspergers kids, they are so sweet. If I had a practice of all Aspies I would be a happy doctor!" One problem with her moving out of the network I work for, is that my insurance will only cover in network doctors (even though there are now no ped psychiatists). In thinking about it, she is that good that if need be we would pay cash (it would be hard, but Cody is worth it). Several people told me due to his diagnosis he may qualify for medical assitance. In the past I would brush it off. I have health insurance, why or how would he qualify for medical assistance? But this past week at his therapy apptointment his therapist suggested it and said it would most likely cover his copays for her (only $15 a visit, but still), his meds (again not htat much, but things are still changing) and should his dr go out of network, his doctor. At that point the heavens opened and I could hear angels singing. SOmeone also mentioned that it may help him get an ICM (intensive case manager) or an advocate which will be helpful for IEP meetings (that is a totally different issue, in which we have to go to court in August over). Therefore, tonight I spent the last hour filling out the online medical assistance application. I still have to mail in copies of a whole lot of crap that I will need to search for, but at least it is a step in that direction. I look at the Autism Speaks website and other sites and find TOO much info, it is all jsut so overwhelming. I don't know where to start. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning in the sea of information that is out there for ASD. Sometimes I feel like a failure as a parent because my kid has to struggle so much, but really compared to other kids, his struggles are minor. Last night we were at a local baseball team game with a bunch of people from my work. We cut the evening short when Cody went into full meltdown over losing a toy I told him NOT to bring, which only got worse when we passed the gift shop and I would not let him get an overpriced stuffed toy (which he is allergic to anyway). Of course, when in public, when Cody starts to have a meltdown, so does my husband who is still trying to understand Cody's diagnosis. But by the time we got to the car, Cody had stopped crying, the meltdown had passed with the help of some deep breathing and soft voices (on mommy's part). It really was only about a half hour of a meltdown, and the storm passed and today was a new day that made me even prouder of my little man. He had to have dental work done and did AMAZING. The dr and the assistant made a point to come out and tell me how great he did, that most kids were never that good, let alone kids with special needs. Proud Mommy moment.

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