Friday, May 27, 2011


Casey has been here 2 weeks now. It's hard to believe that 2 weeks ago I had just given birth, sitting in the hospital room with Casey, after everyone had left, waiting for the nurses to come in and check me so I could go to bed. What a difference 2 weeks makes.

Mom came and helped for the 1st week, so this week I was on my own and I must say we did ok....we're here aren't we? Nature has this amazing thing called memory loss. I forgot how tiring a newborn is, how often you wake up at night, how 3 hours in a row is now considered a decent stretch of sleep. I imagine if nature didn't have that natural memory loss built into us, most people would stop at 1 child.

The boys are doing ok with our newest addition. Shane LOVES his little brother. He has nicknamed him Favy, not sure where he pulled that one from, but I imagine it will end up sticking, just as Cody is called Bubby and Shane is called Lal-ly, Casey wil be known in our family as Favy. Shane would hold him all day if I would let him. Cody on the other hand is not as head over heel about Casey. I know he REALLY wanted a sister, so maybe had Casey been a girl, things would have been reversed, but it is what it is. Cody is still more interested in his own life, but will kiss Csey every night before's something, I guess.

This is where I will leave it for now. I am too tired to think much more and I have been informed a little person is hungry, and since I am currently a milking cow, I msut go hook my utter up!

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