Thursday, January 27, 2011

Number...LAST (cont)

Where was I....oh that's right. I was looking up and seeing ceiling tiles and the faces of 15 coworkers. Fun times! It seems as if I passed out, but when they found me I was purple. Pretty sure now that purple is not MY color! They called 911 and the ambulance came for me. I was awake and alert at this point and someone asked "Is this your 1st pregnancy" To which I answered, "No, it's my LAST!"

At the hospital they decided prettly quickly that I would be admitted. As a nurse I must say, nurses, or at least this one, don't make good patients. My nurses were GREAT, the aides ok (including the girl who was SO chipper and happy I wanted to kick her puppy) and the Doctors....well, we won't go there. They had a cardio-electrophysiologist come and see me. Wondering what that is? It's a fancy name for a heart doctor that works on the 'electrical' conduction of your heart (oppsosed to the 'plumbing' of your heart). He talked about putting in a stimulator, somewhat like a pacemaker, but he doesn't want to do it until the baby comes. So the next day they gave me the option of staying another night or going home (it was NYE) Mamma didn't raise no fool, I went home!

The following week my 3 week long heart monitor came. I'm not sure if the goal of it is to stress you out with the beeping and lack of sleep, but that pretty much sums it up. I was NEVER so happy to get rid of something as I was that heart monitor.

I had my AFP ( a blood test to check for neural tube and comosonal defects) done Xmas Eve and it took several weeks to come back, but it was NORMAL!!! WOOT WOOT! The nex hurdle was my level 2 ultra sound. Randy didn't want to take the day off (sicne he will need his time when I have the baby) so my mom came with me. Happy to report I am having a.......................

Healthy Baby.........................................................

No, that is all, a healthy baby! We didn't find out the sex with the boys and will follow suit for this one as well.

The high risk OB who I saw for the u/s said I was special!!!! Isn't that nice? Not really. He meant that with my health issues they worry about not only me, but the baby, so they will keep a close eye on me by doing u/s every 4 weeks to check the baby and to see me. I guess if I HAD to find a silver lining in all this, it would be that I get to see my baby every 4 weeks, which will reassure me s/he is fine!

After my u/s and the all clear that the baby was pretty much healthy, Mom and I went to register. There are some people who think it is in bad taste to have a shower for a 2nd or 3rd baby. They can kiss my arse! (Just to clairify, I only had 1 shower so far, and that was for my 1st). My best friends wanted to throw one for me, and who am I to deny them that?

I am now feeling ok. I have good days and bad days, but there are more good then bad. I am able to get excited now, rather than be resentful. I will admit, early on I really resented this pregnancy and found it hard to attach to this baby. For one, I was sick...all the time. Second I couldn't attach to this baby until I knew everything was ok. Been there, done that and have a piece of heart missing to prove it. But now, things seem to be good.

The boys....Oh, my boys are SO excited to be big brothers. Cody says he will help me change dirty diapers, which is more than I can say for his father! Shane last night took one of his stuffies and showed me how he will burp the baby and feed it, although he was a little shocked when I told him the baby will drink mommy's milk for awhile (his eyes got HUGE when he found out where that milk came from!). I really want it to be May (oh, I'm due May 20th!) so I can see and hold this lil bugger and to see my boys become big brothers. They REALLY want a sister, but my gut tells me they will just have to be happy with a brother (I am pretty sure I can only make boys!) .

Starting in March I will be working weekends only. Remember in my last post how we said we had to wait for the boys to be done with daycare to afford another one.....even with the older 2 in aftercare, daycare would still cost us an arm and a leg (not to mention a kidney) with the baby. So I will be working Sat and Sun for VNA, 8am to 9pm and Randy will stay home with 3 kids, then during the week I will be home with the 3 kids while Randy is at work. SO NO MORE DAYCARE!!!! I will be home with my kids allllllllll summer (wow.....not sure how sane I will be by the end of it!). Thankfully I ahve plently of teacher friends who will also be off in the summer and we will have to plan outings (as in free outings to the Park and such!).

Pretty sure that catches everyone up on the pregnancy..................... not sure what will be up next, but I promist it won't take my 6 months to write it!

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